Hochschule RheinMain

Automated Reasoning for Web Usability Problems

RESTful Web Service to calculate readability

Readability formula:
SMOGen= 1.043* bigWords* 30 sentences +3.1291

WSTFde =0.2656* sentenceLength+0.2744 *percentageBigWords-1.693

Lixfr = (wordssentences) +100* (words more than 6 letterswords)
(also usable for English, German, Greek and Swedish)

HuertaReadingEasees,pt =206.84- (0.60*syllables per 100 words) - (1.02*sentences per 100 words)

Gulpeaseit =89+ 300*sentences-10*characters words

The following GET-options are supported

The HTML or TEXT (encoded in UTF-8) to be analyzed needs to be included in the POST body.

The returned data are in JSON format. It is an object with three attributes: