Hochschule RheinMain

Automated Reasoning for Web Usability Problems

RESTful Webservice for analysis of visual complexity of websites

POST-request with following options are supported

example: http://[host]:[port]/api/v1/complexity?visitors=Color,Vicram

The html to be analyzed needs to be send in the POST body.


The returned data is in JSON format. It is an object with the selected visitors from above as attributes:

example output for default visitor list:

"adblock": [
		"the matched URLs "
"vicram": {
		"complexity": float
"vizweb": {
        "numberOfLeaves":     integer: number of leav nodes,
        "textArea": float:    text area ratio,
        "visualComplexity":   float: the visual complexit score,
        "numberOfTextGroups": int: number of text groups,
        "hue":                float:  hue from HSV-colorspace,
        "numberOfImageAreas": int: number of areas containing images,
        "horizontalSymmetry": float; symetry of the image ( 1 is symetric),
        "horizontalBalance":  float: the balance of the image,
        "colorfulness":       float: how colorful is the image,
        "nontextArea":        ratio of areas without text
"differenceMatrix": {
	"matrix": [
        [...] // etc.
	"palette": [
			21, // red
			24, // gree
			25  // blue
        [...]          // etc
	"1": {
        "A_tag_With_Low_Contrast": int number of A tags with low contrast,
        "TextNodes_With_Low_Contrast": int text nodes with low contrast,
        "paragrahps_with_too_long_lines": int number of paragraphs which exceed the line limit
"ratios": {
	"pageSize": {
		"pageWidth_in_pixel": int the width of the page,
		"pageHeight_in_pixel": int the height of the page,
		"pageSize_in_pixel_squared": int total area of the page
    "img_Tag": {
		"img_Area_in_pixel_squared": int area covered with images,
		"img_document_tag_ratio": float documentArea / tagArea,
		"img_document_tag_percentage": float the image ratio in percent

Additionally there is a browser mode available (mainly for debug mode)

GET-requests with following options are supported

example: http://[host]:[port]/api/v1/complexity?url={urlencodedURL}&visitors=Color,Vicram

The returned data is in HTML format